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Father Emilio Fattore Guerra 

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Father Emilio Fattore Guerra

Reverend Emilio Fattore Guerra has been the pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel since 2006. He is a member Society of Saint Louis King of France, a priestly society from Argentina founded by Fr. Mauricio Zárate, a former pastor of the chapel.  Father Emilio has born and raised in Argentina. He did his theology studies with Franciscans friars in Mercedes-Luján, Argentina who rejected the false teachings of Vatican II and the anti-Church established with it. He received his minor orders from bishop Timothy Hannebery and later did his major theology studies under the Most Reverend bishop Juan José Squetino Schattenhofer, who ordained him to the priesthood in 2003. Fr. Fattores  holy orders are derived from Bp. Peter-Martin Ngô Dinh Thuc

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Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel

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